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Lux Living + Hinsdale's Annual Christmas Walk: our FAVORITE event of the year! #LifetherapyChicago

Lux Living + Hinsdale's Annual Christmas Walk: our FAVORITE event of the year! #LifetherapyChicago

Friends!! My favorite event is here -- shopping for a cause this holiday season!!

Lux Living is especially important to me as I curate an exclusive market with over 20 fun vendors in order to donate a portion of sales to stop sex trafficking in our local communities. Every year, it is my hope to shed just a little more light on this and help where I can.

Lifetherapy is built on empowering women and reminding them of their choices in this world — so it seems fitting that I give back to encourage these women that they are beautiful girls and women...and there is a better way for them….and we support their healing.

I hope to see you this year! Lux Living is planned for a Friday, November 30th, the same night as Hinsdale’s 53rd Annual Christmas Walk. Please pop over, share in the holiday spirit and let's show our support to these girls in any way we can. A portion of the proceeds go directly to Reclaim13 and Naomi’s House. This year we have also teamed up with the Hinsdale Junior Women's Club to give back in an even bigger way to our community.

Lux Living Holiday Shopping Event | Hinsdale, IL

RSVP here:

BRING A FRIEND - I encourage it.

Hope to see you!!

xx Lynette

Hinsdale Holiday Walk

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