Get Cozy

Get Cozy

We can’t help but notice how retail's fall season seems to occur earlier and earlier every year. Starbucks added its seasonal PSL drink to menus on August 27th, nearly a full month before the official start of Fall. We see it elsewhere too – in stores and online – fashion’s displays of heavier knits, sweaters, jackets and scarves; and home decor stores overloaded with items shouting the standard holiday sentiments: BelieveGatherJoyThankfulPeaceHomeMerryWine… :)

On our little corner of the internet,, we’ve been surprised to see our new ‘choose your mood’ ceramic mugs sell out more than once. But it’s not hard to understand why: warm-inducing products warm the heart and soul in ways they don’t at any other time during the year. 

Last week, we overheard two girls walking and talking in our town. 

“I want a boyfriend,” said Girl 1.

Girl 2 paused before replying: “ I know, me too. It’s because it’s getting cold out.” 

And we couldn’t help but laugh in the likely truth of that rationale.  

The quest for cozy is an observation worth noting in our society as a whole but also for us as individuals. It seems the only thing we want more than to cool off or calm down is to warm up and awaken accordingly.  

Lifetherapy is here. for. this. We’re swapping strappy sandals for cozy socks…refreshing rosé to full-bodied red…lighter fragrance for something deeper…cool showers for hot baths (though we fully believe baths are a year-round delight.) 

We invite you to get in the spirit too and spend Seven Minutes this week auditing what cozy switches you’ll make this season. The beauty of Fall—wedged between Summer and Winter— means we can ease into these updates: It is transition period to handhold us through change. And we’ll be right here with you: through our body care formulas, cozy reminders on Instagram @LifetherapyOfficial, and by way of our warm-drink-serving Choose Your Mood Mugs

We hope the change of weather and impending holidays imparts a warmth that starts from within and stays with you throughout the season and beyond. 

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