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Where, When and How to Find Meaning in Your Everyday

Where, When and How to Find Meaning in Your Everyday

Where, When and How to Find Meaning in Your Everyday

We’d be hard-pressed to find someone that doesn’t want to make their life more meaningful. And while we all have different definitions of meaning, there are micro-moments we all share that can be expanded and made more thoughtful. Here are some of our favorites: 

After you open your eyes… but before your feet touch the floor:

  •   Do two breathing exercises – fully expanding the belly and expressing deep inhales and exhales.
  •   Express gratitude for a person, place or thing you encountered the day before.
  •   Identify a moment of growth that will occur in your day – especially if it comes in the form of a challenge. 

When you sit down to work… but before you tackle the first thing on your to-do list:

  • Commit to doing the item you least want to do, first. This will ensure it gets done, set a motivational tone for the tasks that follow and give you a sense of accomplishment straight out of the gates.
  • Light a candle. Take a deep breath. Commit to channeling all the forces within you to produce great work today.

When you open up your social feeds… but before you start scrolling:

  • Set a timer for yourself – 3 minutes, maybe? Don’t let the endless scroll translate into lost time. Embrace the algorithm and trust that your feed will show you what you want to see.
  • Check your envy. Take pictures for what they are – a moment in time – and not an entire story. Don’t compare yourself with the posts in your feed, use social to feel connected, not isolated. 

When you lie down for bed… but before you fall asleep:

  • Do something that is nighttime-specific: read with a small light, put on a sleep mask, apply calming pulse oil that induces calm. Make it a ritual to look forward to.
  • Set your phone to ‘do not disturb’ mode. You can customize settings so certain callers can come through in the event of an emergency. All other calls and notifications can wait. 
  •   Write: the things you will get done tomorrow. Releasing those thoughts on to paper will prevent them for replaying in your mind and ensure more restful sleep.

Got your own tips and tricks for these moments? What works for you? Spend some time this week thinking about these moments, and how you can make them more meaningful, for you.  Slide in to our DMs or email us at and share – we’d love to try them for ourselves and share with our network of like-minded women looking to add wellbeing and meaning to our lives. 

Aug 12, 2019

Thank you so much for this post! I’ve heard these tips and given them myself but the reminder to do them and love yourself while you do it was much needed today!

Samantha Pietrowski

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