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#Chooseyourmood Story: Grace

#Chooseyourmood Story: Grace

We are excited to share our first choose your mood story!

This beautiful story was sent to us by a mother about her daughter - how she chooses strength and courage despite what she may be going through. 


This is my story of my courageous, beautiful daughter Grace. Grace was born with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome. KTS is a very rare genetic condition that can manifest in many different ways for every individual but for Grace it was many vascular and venous malformations and overgrowth of an extremity, for Grace that is her right leg. She has had many minor and major surgeries to the tune of about 50-55!!! When she was 10 years old she was also diagnosed with Perthes Disease and has had 3 hip surgeries and currently suffers from daily, chronic pain. When she is 18 years olf they will replace her hip. With all of that being said she is the most happy, silly, funny, bright 13 year old that I have ever seen. She makes the best of everyday whether she is in too much pain and stays in bed all day or ventures out. She has taught me the meaning of resilience, strength and courage. Her glass is always half full and she is always smiling. One day I hope to be as strong as my daughter. Thanks for letting us share some of her story. 


Have you experienced a setback in life? How are you dealing with it? Or how did you overcome it? We can't control everything in life, but we can control how we respond. Share a story of how you are choosing positivity, despite your setback—and spur others to be strong. Share your story here


Aug 20, 2016

I always tell everyone if we could all find a third of Grace’s resilience we’d be so much happier and productive. She has a heart of gold and is always so positive. She will do many more great things in life because of her can do attitude.

Jennifer Jarrell
Aug 20, 2016

Grace goes to my school where she’s slways smiling and never has anything negative to say about anything. Everyday she comes in the office and volunteers to pass out student bus passes. I really enjoy seeing that sweet smile in my office, she brightens my day. ☀️

Aug 20, 2016

I know Graces mother, we were great friends thru Jr high and high school and still remain friends today. I remember Graces mother always smiling no matter what things were going on in her life and never let things get her down . She has always been a strong caring person and it sounds like she has instilled these values in Grace just as her mother did in her. Grace has a wonderful mother and grandmother by her side . Love to you all.

Aug 20, 2016

Grace is the strongest girl I’ve ever known with all she’s been thru she’s never said why me she fights each day thru pain and mean kids hurting her feelings can’t understand why kids have to be so mean I was always taught if you don’t have something nice to say be quite I love you Grace you make me proud to call you my granddaughter


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