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7 Minutes to Decluttered Surfaces

7 Minutes to Decluttered Surfaces

While it’s true that many people make this a nighttime task, doing a little decluttering in the morning sets you up for success — and allows you to come home to a clean space. A 7-minute surface decluttering will give you a sense of peace of mind. Here are a few surfaces to consider for this quick, 7-minute task. 

The first surface to tackle? Your bedside table! How many of those books piled on there are you actually reading? Currently? Keep your in-progress book of the moment on the stand, put the rest on your book shelf in a to-read section. Tidy up your charging cords, alarm clock, and whatever else you have on the space. 

Next up is your kitchen table. Is it a landing pad for mail, magazines, and newspapers? Put things in piles, or even better, remove them from the table, give it a quick spray and a wipedown with a towel and you’re good to go. 

How’s your entryway surface looking? It’s another place where mail tends to accumulate if you don’t have a system. Consider investing in an inbox to sort the mail, in addition to hanging hooks so that you never have to look for your keys again.  

The last surface that tends to pile up is the coffee table. Are there coffee mugs, water bottles, perhaps a multitude of remote controls? Bring the dishes to the sink or the dishwasher and streamline your clicker situation, put any magazines or reading material in a pile. Situate your coffee table book selection.  

The place looks spic and span, no? Cheers to a decluttered, glorious day. 

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